Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just Because I'm Whining Does Not Mean I Need Anyone Throwing Me A Spaghetti Feed

Although I have the most supportive friends and family EVER, the absence of Vince has started to dramatically take it's toll on me. It's either that or my period is about to start or Irene will be gone for a month or... or... or...

Suzanne and Karen invited Marina and I to lunch with them today. I don't think I was very entertaining company. We went to Two Sisters, you know my favorite place, even after all these years. Marina was happy! Playing around outside with Sam in the yard. They were working hard. Going to Two Sisters for lunch is kind of like going to 'Cheers' for me. I know everyone coming and going, I cracked up the crowd with the story of Falcom at the dentist, "They put Shit in soda?!" even people who I did not think were listening were laughing. Suzanne is going to be joining the teaching Sorority. Lucky Amy B! Karens husband went on the field trip from McNeil school yesterday and they hadn't gotten to Fritz Creek when a kid totally puked on the bus. Don was a trooper dealing with it. That reminded me of Aunt Carolyn's puking school Thanksgiving story. I decided I needed to share that and then Sharon scolded me, "This is a RESTAURANT!"
We didn't get to go into detail about the serious things that twiddle away at our minds... next time.
By the end of the meal, I had to laugh because we were in some conversation reflecting back to a by-gone month and Karen said, "I think you missed that party because you were on your cruise." or maybe when I was mentioning that I am sick of this weather and that I'd like to move from here and live in Saipan for a while because I've been itching to visit Kuala Lampur. I can't remember, but whichever it was they both looked at me with rolling eyes and I said, "God, look at me. I have the most kick ass life and yet I still complain. Just because I'm having a whiny day does not mean you need to throw me a spaghetti feed, OK?" They looked at me and laughed because they totally know how it is to have such a nice comfortable life and still be able to complain about it. And that these complaints are not real complaints, you know?

I did eat this delicious sandwich, and I enjoyed every bite and I have no idea how many points it has, but I told myself it was OK because it was a hummus sandwich. Not having meat somehow made it OK. It also had broccoli. That had to take off a couple of points for fiber, right.

Got a call last night that L.R. showed a video of Falcom at the Jubilee to all the kids in her classes at the middle school yesterday. Kaylene says it was a positive experience, and that everyone is loving Fal. I really had to take a sigh of relief. Also, L.R. has a good video of the performance. She's going to copy it for me so that I can put it on YouTube. We'll see.

Irene wrote Mindy H. a letter today telling her that she was bestowing upon Mindy temporary best friendship of me from May 2 until May 28 (when she returns from Vietnam). She said that I'm, "High maintenance, but well worth the effort." It was a very cute, funny, sweet letter that kind of made me cry a little. Hurry home friend!
  • Marina is in a full blown missing Vince funk. She can barely stand another day. She has been so naughty, fighting with everyone. She cried herself to sleep.

  • Falcom had a total melt down because Brooke White got the boot from Idol. He also has gotten three very nice comments from people of YouTube from his video from people we don't know. That is making him happy.

  • DeeJay has been following me around sniffing his stuffed up nose. I asked him if he has thought of blowing instead of sucking and he just said "it doesn't work". Oy. He also asked me to drive him to McNeil in the morning to catch the bus and I was like, "What's the problem with standing on the road?" Now that the snow is gone and the sun is out, I'm not seeing the problem. He said, "I don't like standing up. Dust. My bag is heavy. The cord to my Ipod freezes... um... " and then he smiled. I think he will be walking to the bottom of the road tomorrow.
I made pancakes for dinner tonight because I could not get my mind around anything else AND I did not want to heat a frozen pizza. What has more points? Pizza or pancakes? probably a toss-up.

I got this new (to me) desk at a garage sale this weekend and DeeJay, the dear, helped me set it up. I am loving this desk! Yea, I'd been looking at the expensive corner dest, but this one fits great...AND it was only $5. I'm going to paint some flourishes on it and I'll be set for a life of blogging.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG, my soulmates are David Beckham and Beyonce. Can I know my self so little? Am I truly a poser, just waiting for my break into fame and fortune? Do I live to have others look at me in admiration and jealousy? Oh yeah, I guess that's right. These people are omniscient.
P.S. It is not easy to be Alana's temp. BFF, she has a very busy schedule and her kids are still up when most moms finally have the time to gab freely on the phone. However, I am resolved to persevere because I have heard that she is 'totally worth it,' and I feel so honored to be the Temporarily Chosen One. Irene, I am taking my charge seriously!