Thursday, April 17, 2008

Another Day Revolving Around Food

I had so many fascinating thoughts this morning. The sun, the moon, the sunlight reflecting off the ocean. The way our road is still covered in snow. The way my daughter is already wanting to take a day off from everything. Of course, all these lofty thoughts escaped me during the throng of the day.

Veggie boxes came right on time! Great things are happening at Moose Run Metal Smithing (where I pick up the boxes). Their creative energy is awesome. And then off to Two Sisters where the women have repainted their oven room and the place looks and smells out of this world! I told Marina that I would not buy her a sticky bun today and she said, "I'd better stay in the car so I'm not tempted." Two Sisters has a great blog which I've listed on the side of this. As many of you know, most of my early days in Homer were spent in this very bakery eating those white trash rolls. Ah! The life PK (pre-kids). By the way, that baker in the picture is the infamous Sharon of delicious coffee and mud driveway lore.

Many people are shocked to learn that although we live in what they think of as a palace on the hill we still have to haul water each week for drinking and cooking. We carry jugs to town and load up at the free water spicket at the Safeway. This is what I love about Alaska, there are some truly great class equalizers that still hold us together as a community. These include: the dark, the cold, the ocean, and iron and arsenic in the water. I used to think that the atmosphere of our community would change the day they installed a traffic light. Now, I believe the atmosphere will change when Safeway gets rid of this spicket or starts charging people to use it.

Calimari with Ginger Martini

Irene and Matt scheduled a birthday party for Vince and I last night. They brought all the kids and their own personal babysitter to our house and then we drove to Wasabi's for dinner. I'm pretty much getting over the idea that my Weight Watchers 10% celebration is going to happen anytime in the next month. Irene got drunk very quickly. We ordered salads and sushi. The salads came quickly...and then we waited...and waited...and waited... and the waiter kept coming to apologize, and then it arrived. Looking lovely, but on an over sized plate. Yes, it was good, but then Irene said, "Not as good as that that we had in the 5Th Avenue Mall. You know when we went there to celebrate your weaning Marina?" and I suddenly remembered some kind of kick ass thing we ate there, and then Matt said, "It's been so long since you two have gone on a trip alone together. You should do that this weekend. And do some shopping." I am always playing straight man for that guy. I said, "Matt there is no way we can do that before you leave for Vietnam?" and then after like a minute it all came together...
When Irene and I were last in Anchorage I made her and K.R. take me to an adult store on Spenard (a seedy part of town). It was part of my weaning ceremony plan. That and bra shopping. Anyway, K.R. found it un-Christian and decided to stay in the car. Irene and I hopped out and before we knew it Kim had come into the store as she realized there was more 'un-Christian' folk roaming around the outside of the store than inside.
I looked over at Matt who had a definite smirk on his face knowing that I realized what he was talking about. I looked at the tipsy Irene and we both started totally laughing. We finished the evening with a great story from Matt about how he and his wrestling team used to harass the hookers in Anchorage whenever they went there for a meet.

As we were walking out we ran into Sharon's massage/Jacuzzi friend Red and Red told us that we could have the birthday party at the preschool that she owns. Might be a solution! Time will tell. (I want to mention here that their food was ordered after ours, was way more, and way more beautiful and arrived before ours did. Next time I go I will get the Poke Martini. It looked killer!)

Thanks Matt and Irene for another great night out!

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