Saturday, January 2, 2010

Kuala Lumpur

I am letting that roll off my tongue with pleasure. Bucket List. Check!

Because I am being threatened by my old man I have to make this very quick and image free.

Dec 29, 30, 31 Flight

I have the best best best children travelers ever. How we keep them in motion that long and pleasant is unbelievable.

Dec 31 Singapore

We spent the day at the zoo. This is a great zoo. Open Lemur house! Can you imagine. I touched King Julienne! Also, there was an awesome children's water park that was soothing after a jet lagged day in the sun.

The evening found us at the Marina where we scrambled with 200,000 other people to find the perfect spot to watch a multi million dollar fireworks show. Sadly jet lag hit the kids hard at about 8pm. We drug them around until finally we had to make that choice Irene and I have talked about so often, do what we want or be better parents. We chose to be better parents and went to bed early with the kids. The traffic and people would have been impossible to navigate at 1 or 2 am.

Jan 1 Singapore

Spent the day trying to find the best way out of Singapore.

Ate Chili Crab at No Signboard. Delicious. Strange to eat with 5 staff standing over you. Delicious none the less. Also good thing we are not afraid of pulling food from our mouths...

Jan 2 Kuala Lumpur

Learned about Asian budget airlines. This is the future of air travel. Greyhound bus service got us to KL in an hour for the price it would have cost us to get one of us to Anchorage from Homer and back. Amazing.

Got a room at a hotel right under the Potronis Towers. Swam. Played in city water park. Looked at towers. Had first Asian rip off experience at firefly park. Very cool event. Monkeys are awesome! Firefly's in the trees were miraculous! Payed way to much for it. Still stinging from that.

Jan 3 Kuala Lumpur

Vince was at the twin towers at 6am and waited 2 and a half hours to get our tickets to walk on the sky bridge. Yes! He did it! We walked on the sky bridge. It was awesome. Now I'm trying to find out the best way to get us to a northern beach and writing this.

I am buying DVD's and handbags tonight in China Town. hee hee hee

Love to everyone. I just got my friendly Malaysian kick off from computer. (By the Malaysian, not by Vince.)

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