Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Regular Wednesday with Aunt Jeannett

Today I had the good fortune of sharing Aunt Jeannett's regular Wednesday. Not unlike my Regular Tuesday with Irene, Aunt Jeannett has a regular date with her good friend Doodle. We picked up Doodle at 8:30 and went directly to the Weight Watchers meeting. I was a little anxious about this meeting because I have walked through the Midwestern veil which immediately places 5 pounds on your body like a costume. It's like our traditional garb. Excess Fat.

In fact, I don't think I wrote to tell about how I took the kids and their cousins on a long bike ride through Lewistown and we had many nice stops and then ended at Subway for lunch. Next to a promotional poster of Jared (who has been skinny for over ten years) stood two women who were each over 250 pounds. The lettuce they put on my sandwich was white iceberg turned brown from the knife cut. When I asked them for water cups instead of soda they looked at me like the anomaly that I am and then gave me specific detailed directions as to how get water out of the soda fountain, "under the picture for the ice tea, you will find a white button..."

Needless to say, I was willing to face the music and find out how much weight I had actually gained. I learned that women friends who go to weight watchers around the country have very similar conversations to the ones Suzanne and I have. "You should have seen the amount of scalloped potatoes I had on my Easter plate!" and "Well, I ate 2 Easter baskets worth of chocolate this weekend!"

At the scales I had to laugh! Can you imagine that after all the fast food and iced tea and pie and cake and Hellman's mayonnaise I have only gained .6 pounds! I am absolutely mind blown. I went to the Spaghetti Factory for God's Sake! And yes, I put garlic butter on that bread!

Then we went to Hy Vee (their grocery store) where we picked up a hot tip from the meeting; this weird low fat peanut butter that is dehydrated and you add water to to make into the real thing. The women and I calculated points for all kinds of food stuff which was fun. We learned that a regular slice of carrot cake from a resturant is over 20 points per slice. 46 fat grams, Watch Out!

Then we drove through town back to Doodle's and when we got there Jeannett said: Oh! Doodle! I forgot to tell you, ~editing note! I just realized that perhaps this conversation fell under the secret G.I.P.P.A. agreement and I should not have posted it. Sorry!

Then Doodle said: Oh! Jeannett! Good News! No one is in jail this week but ~editing note! So sorry you missed this bit....~ BYE!

Jeannette: BYE!

That was the funniest part of my day. I wonder if when Irene and I are 70 if we will be able to condense our topics into a one minute sound bite. And be that funny!
Then we went home and had what would have been a three point lunch if I hadn't made Aunt Jeannette buy me a bag of Kettle Cooked chips and then we went to get my hair done. It seems that even in Illinois this hair was too wild. I was certainly the most lively patron at the salon. But, I loved the gal doing my hair because I pretty much said, "I'm not paying you the big bucks for me to tell you what needs to happen here. If I had a thought about that I would not look like this now would I?" She said, "Fine, here is what I think..." and I said, "as long as you remember that I'm middle aged and keep me from looking like a zebra I will be happy." From then on we laughed and joked and 3 1/2 hours later I am transformed in a very positive way.

Back to Jeannett and Bob's where my cousins and I had a nice quick visit over Chinese food. I even found out that my cousin Dannielle is reading Skinny Bitches just like Irene! Small World! Grammy took the kids in for portraits today and that went well. I'm not sure what all they did today, but, they were both passed out by eight.

Tomorrow is the last full day in Lewistown.

Thank you wonderful Aunt Jeannett for a fabulous day!

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