Monday, March 10, 2008

Getting Away with Eating

Here are Suzanne and I at the scales at our Weight Watchers meeting. How on Earth it happened, I don't know, but I feel like we've cheated gravity. We lost 6 pounds between us this week... What happened? I was quite sure that I gained, maybe, two pounds this week. I posted all those wild nights out. And Suzanne, geeze, she got all liquored up with those great Russian Gals at the Jewelry party and she "sat on her ass for 14 hours" of bus ride on the field trip for her school. Whatever it was, we are highly motivated now.

On the way to the meeting we stopped by Blackbeary Bog to admire "an architectural piece" which I am going to buy for my f-abnit (future bathroom cabinet area) and we got a piece of advice from Shawnee that was amazing. She was telling us about her children and what it was like to raise children and about the time when she was sure it was over for her, that she was entirely lost to the world of small children. Then she said,
It's a really short period of time where you forget who you were...and then when you come out of it-it's fiery! -Swami Shawnee
We left there feeling magically lifted.

Our evening on Mansfield Road was filled with Disco Dancing.

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