Saturday, March 8, 2008

Fat Olives with Mindy H!

Now I realize that this is not the most flattering picture of Mindy. In fact, she is practically unrecognizable. However, it was the one that summed up the fun I had for the three hours that we were able to sit at the bar and visit with each other.

Sure, there was the sharing of mutual angst about a child or two and strategies and confessions about solutions. But mostly we just laughed our heads off. I loved especially that she was willing to follow me into the men's restroom so that I could confess to her how I found out that I was the Homer Town Grand Disseminater of Gossipy Information. She is a Bush Bitch for sure.

I know that I should have been home, cleaning the house...which was my plan...a good plan... Life got in the way today. The bakery,
the beach, and then another supper out. Ah, the life.

Thank you Mindy for a great night out and I will begin my planning in earnest for the Bush Bitch Birthday Bash.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! I am so honored that I made it onto the Greear Family blog. I've never blogged before, so this is very exciting for me. I am so glad that I was able to have this experience before I turn 40, as I can only imagine, now, what lies ahead for me. I do dream that it will involve an initiation into the ultra secret BB society, which I have heard tantalizing whispers of since moving to Homer almost 2 years ago. I hope that I prove myself worthy, and I will work ever so hard on my talent/routine. Thank YOU, Alana, for a very healing night-which has helped bolster me during a very tough parenting time. Have a great adventure in the lower 48.