Thursday, March 13, 2008

DeeJay's Birthday

I am so tired today. I probably need to get upstairs and have an intervention with the help of modern medicine... Why am I so tired? Yesterday was DeeJay's 17th birthday! And we partied until late.

Sadly, when you throw a party you never get to just start with the party and work backwards (although I think we did that during college). There was house cleaning, veggie box moving, cupcake baking, a pizza to be delivered to school on time, more cleaning, more crisis management, and finally the actual entertaining of 16 and 17 year old boys and the adult friends of that birthday boy.

After delivering the veggie boxes,
I was walking through the grocery store when I ran into some old friends, S. & S. J., who asked how it was going having a teenager all of a sudden and I told them. "You know, this teenager is a really nice person and that is making this very easy. I mean, I know what I did on my 17th birthday and I know it included beer. His birthday plan is to have everyone over to our house where we can eat pizza and drink soda. How many 17 year olds do you know that want to do that!" We all laughed a guilty laugh reflecting on our wild childhoods and then turned to face the cashier.

Irene let me borrow her kick ass car cupcake pans and so the kids all decorated their own cupcake. Mike M. told me that it was 10 years ago yesterday that he started working at the airport (on advice from me) and then he also mentioned that it has been 10 years since we left for Saipan. Thanks Mike for reminding me of my age. I also need to congradulate Priscilla who managed to stay at my house for an hour and a half without pacing or loosing her mind! Good Job P!

After everyone went home we got a call from Saipan and there went another hour.

Today, I'm tired. Was it worth it? Absolutely. I think DeeJay had a great day.

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