Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

It's been a lovely day here at the Greear House. Vince helped the kids to help me sleep in late. I didn't start moving around until 8 this morning. Then, he made me a wonderful breakfast and I spent the day relaxing and doing nothing.

Oh, yea, I was doing something. Eating. I ate unhealthy things. I ate a lot of them.

What is the secret of a successful Mother's Day? I think the answer may be specific detailed lists of what you'd like to see happen. One thing that I have finally connected with about this holiday after these 7 years of being fortunate enough to celebrate it is that I get to do whatever I want and no housework will get done. Therefore, I will get to do it all tomorrow.

I guess I instinctively think that because it is Mother's Day the guys and kids will think to mop. Note to new Mothers: No, they will not. If your husband is nice and you give him a specific list of things that you would like to have done and mopping is on it, he would certainly do it. Otherwise.... I'm not complaining, because it has been a very nice day. I'm just saying that no, the gift of a clean home was not given.

Now that I am writing that I am thinking that it would not be 'the gift of a clean house.' At this point it would be, 'The sky parting Mother's Day Miracle of All Times!'

Yes, this house is that trashed. DeeJay came home from work today with a beautiful Lily for me to plant and a card. Very nice kids. Good Job!

Falcom came to the door this morning and said, "Mom, come and see Jason." I thought, 'you must be kidding! Jason is here, on Mother's Day?' I opened the door and saw this:

Falcom and his rooster that he has named Jason...Jason Castro (after Jason on American Idol).

Vince is now making me ribs and potato soup and french bread. Luckily, tomorrow is Weight Watchers because I will need this:

pictures courtesy of Our Lady of Weight Loss by Janice Taylor

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