Monday, May 5, 2008

Dad is Home!

Vince is back. It was a soothing sight seeing him get off the plane. When I saw him I could feel my blood pressure instantly go down. He looks tan and rested. The boys were jumping up and down to see him, but Marina must have been emotionally overwhelmed because she started crying before we went into the terminal and then hid in a corner because she didn't want her dad to see her crying like that. She could not go to the door to hug him, she stayed in a chair by the window. When he went to her she hugged him so tight and then the two of them were inseparable for the rest of the day.

We are all so happy having him home.

In the evening, we had another party for Falcom. A grown up friend party with pizza and a brownie cake. He loved all his presents and had a great time with the Radeke kids. He was gracious and loved all of his gifts.

All this birthday partying has exhausted me and I am glad to be taking this morning off from everything, including unnecessary web surfing. I am, however, attempting to buy tickets to see Sir Elton in Anchorage at the end of the month, but I started trying a half hour after they started selling the tickets and I fear that they are already sold out. Bummer.

Vince brought us all wonderful presents home from St. Maartin, including this:

True Love. Vince's and my relationship is based in true love. He instinctively knew exactly what I have been needing. A new designer knock-off hand bag! I'm in love. He didn't even know that I had put Irene on the trail of a new knock-off designer handbag in Vietnam. Soul mate...that's what he is. My Soul-mate!

Check the Wises blog to see the pictures and commentary about the new wonderful baby Maya!

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