Thursday, September 11, 2008

High School Open House

DeeJay hiding from the Paparazzi

The High School open house is a lot different than an elementary school open house. There is a bell schedule that you run through. There is no playground for the kids to spend time at. It is a difficult task when you, as the parent, are one, and they, the kids, are two plus two add-ons. What also makes it more difficult is when they are English as a second language speakers, one has an IEP and one is terribly shy. The night before the open house we organized a strategy. We looked at their schedules and picked our most important teachers to visit. We then called Mindy and asked her to watch Falcom and Marina. I felt like we were able to perfectly orchestrate everything.

The kids rode the bus to town. We then spent some quality time at Blackbeary Bog and then went to Mema's Shack to do some berry picking. The only days in the last month that it has not rained were days that our family was either camping or boating. The ground has been so wet that I have not been able to mow, and as Priscilla says, "It's a jungle over there!" I occasionally start to feel bad about that, but I manage to quickly get over that feeling. Honestly, it has rained here nearly everyday all summer. That lawn is beyond me.

What I hadn't counted on though was that all that rain would so seriously impact berry production! Look at this small picture of raspberries on the vine. They should have been deep burgundy colored two weeks ago, and they are still small and green. Look at these juicy looking strawberries. They are the Alaskan Wild Pink that Mema nurtured in the little patch in her fairy yard. Half the crop was still green. The ripe half are so water logged that that intense wild berry flavor is lost!

Check out these raspberries The big one is from the patch by the road, that little one is from the patch near the neighbors. The ones by the road are nearly all still green and many of the berries that are ripe are molding on the vine.

Marina and I were able to gather about 1 1/2 cups full, but that was it...

And it is Mid-September! Can you imagine!

We left Mema's and we went to Mindy's where we ate dinner. Aiden and Marina are great buddies. Falcom was happy to hang out with Maddie.

The boys were wanting to go to open house with me. Especially Willie, who wanted to know what everyone was saying about him.

We traveled all through the halls of that high school. I got to meet DeeJay's lab partner and friend. I got to see all of DeeJay's resource teachers. I was able to clarify with Willie's English teacher the role his time with Carol plays in his life, as well as the special needs of his ESL status.

I walked away from there with three important things. First, I learned that DeeJay can do a wicked "Mom (Alana) Freaking Out" impersonation. I love that!
Second, I realized what completely good hands DeeJay is in. I have so much respect for what his resource teachers are doing to ensure his success in that High School. This does not mean that I won't ever freak out again. (In fact when I finish my blogging I think I am going to have to call up there about getting on the accreditation team in order to have my special ed complaints heard.) It just means that those are some great guys to have DeeJay spending his days with. I am so thankful for them.
Finally, I realized that I have got to be the luckiest mom...those two Paag brothers are wonderful boys. I tried to explain to them how it feels as a mom to be able to walk into a school situation like that and then walk away feeling so proud. They looked at me like I was some kind of crazy dork mom, but, I know that being in high school is an incredibly difficult situation. (heck, I'm still having flash backs about my high school days and I was in a perfect situation.) Especially for them with the change in culture, language, expectations, ect that they have faced coming here to finish their schooling. The fact that I can walk in there and have every teacher make eye contact with me and tell me, while looking in my face, that I have two great boys, it makes me feel fantastic inside.
Thank you Mindy and Erik for helping me with my kids so that I could do the high school thing.
And Willie, DeeJay, keep up the great work boys! Love You!

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