Tuesday, September 9, 2008

And the Winner Is....

Aunt Carolyn, in Arkansas, this prize is on it's way to you!

Her submission follows;

Alana, Good to hear from you. I did get on your blog and loved it. I will visit it again. As for the contest there is no need to send a photo, I am not that computer savvy. Just take my word for it. I am the winner, hands down, or up in the air trying to cover a laugh at my mess. After being married for 47 years I probably have about 50 years of good (junk) stuff. I have run out of room and really need another house to store it. You know how your grandfather was about his stuff. Let's face it, you and I come by it honestly.
I love you a lot. Loved seeing the pictures. Take care. Aunt Carolyn

I was hoping to have more shots of messy spaces, ugly junk in peoples yards, views obstructed by junk cars. I even had a killer shot of Irene scrubbing her toilet, which she deleted behind my back!
I became a bit disappointed, until I talked to Sharon. Sharon explained to me that "We are in a contest with each other everyday centering around this theme, with the exception that most of us are working to convince the others that we are totally pulled together in life. Actually, most people are afraid to let other people know how overwhelmed and chaotic they feel just in their own heads, let alone their living space. Of course they are not going to submit to this contest Alana, they work so hard to hide it!"

Oh! I had forgotten that we are mostly putting on a show for each other, and not the show of messiness! She was absolutely right! I am glad to know that in my DNA there is proof that clutter and mess are hereditary traits! So is the ability to laugh at yourself! She deserves to wear the Fish Diva T-shirt with pride and to enjoy every chocolate covered blueberry without a bit of guilt about sharing!

I love you Aunt Carolyn...I'm so lucky to have you!


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