Monday, November 10, 2008

The Wood Splitting Calvary Arrives!

Some of you "Greear-O-Files" may remember a post I did a couple of months ago entitled: when you get down to the bottom of the page you would read the following:

Later in the evening we sat around the TV and watched a video that Glenn brought home from the Talkeetna Fair. It was a sales video for an industrial log splitter. We watched it for about 10 minutes, there is no talking, just rocking background music, and you can see the ease of operation of the super splitter. The guys were totally into it. I was laughing my head off that we were watching a video of log splitters.

After weeks of collecting rounds, today was the day for splitting wood. Vince rented a splitter for Sunday without checking the weather report. As I mentioned yesterday, we woke to snow and it blowing 30. Vince began splitting with DeeJay and Willie at 8.30am. The boys were moving rounds and huking the quarters into a stack. Marina, Falcom and I came out shortly after to help stack.

Falcom is the Accolade at church this month and so after about an hour we came in to change for church.

Side Note: Falcom was very sweet and did a nice job at candle lighting.

When we returned home we found Vince in, kind of, a mini freak out, the splitter was working only intermittently. Perhaps this wouldn't matter if it was early September and we could be assured that there would be another sunny weekend that we could get the splitter in order to finish this job. Unfortunately, we are in November and after standing in the sleet for a know where this description of the families current mood was heading.

I had been home from church and stacking for about 10 minutes when Scratch started barking and there, pulling into the drive, was Glenn towing his splitter. He and his girls jumped out of the truck, set up their splitter, and without even talking to Vince, began splitting.

It was as if the Calvary rode in.

The men, the even Marina was moving logs and it wasn't an hour and a half that we had moved through the most important pile. Glenn thinks we probably got 5 cords put up. Valda thinks its more. All I know is that again, I felt a great love for Glenn.

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