Tuesday, November 4, 2008

And Now A Word From Two People Who Honestly Do Not Care About Politics

"Grandma's coming home!" After two weeks in the Midwest with her friend Jim, Priscilla returns home to the welcoming and waiting arms of her youngest granddaughter, Maya.

At the airport at arrival.

"They (the administration) knew about my sickness. And I did get sick at school again, but nobody knew about it to call you. That is because the puke came into my mouth and it went all around my mouth, but then I swallowed it back down. I don't think I broke another vessel in my eye." Marina told me as she exited the bus and then quickly asked if she could go to Valda's where she had a snack and watched TV. For those of you that may be wondering, she most likely did not puke at school, and is instead rehearsing for the day when she does. Yes, Irene and I did have our regular Tuesday together. We had the most fabulous time at Maura's. In her side dining room the sun had been blazing in and between the warmth in the air and the warm colors on the walls the place felt magnificent! The food was great too.
Topics Discussed:
  • Blog angst and my love for Vince, who, when I told him that yesterday's post depressed my mother to tears and that I had better change it said, "No, don't change it, it's your voice!" What a fantastically supportive husband.
  • Have there been recent studies about ADHD leading to anorexia? You know, a case so severe that someone might forget that they were chewing?
  • My healthy ego.
  • Falcom and Riley; is it the time change or the candy or a developmental stage that has caused them to be unbearable for the past few days?
  • Irene: a woman with a cell phone and the will to do the right thing regardless of the ramifications. This is why I love you!
  • P.G. at the high school and how much his meetings with me keep me afloat through this full time job of parenting the learning disabled.
  • My friend Beth and I are starting an IEP Support Group. More info to follow about that.
  • Two year olds and shoes. Why do they always have to take them off and why do we have to live in a place where we have to care about that?

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