Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick Or Treating!

This year Falcom dressed as the "Cheerless Leader" and Marina as "Moonlight Princess Fairy Witch".

We met with our good friends for dinner and dressing at Mema's Shack. Mema's shack is a terrific place, thank you Mema! From there we went throughout the town. We had great fortune in the weather.

This is the first Halloween I can remember where we were not frozen solid and where we were not slipping on the ice and where we were not trudging through the muck. The weather was clear and cool and very child friendly.

It is beyond my scope as a coffee drinking hobby writer to describe what you can not see in the following pictorial. Mainly, this would be the effects of anticipation and a sugar high on the physiology of these kids. By the time you reach the bottom of this post try to imagine a volume level similar to a hockey game and an emotional intensity level similar to a 7th grade girl.

Overall, it was a great night.

Willie's first costume. img>Were else in the country does a police car pull over kids to have them trick or treat his vehicle?

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