Monday, November 17, 2008

Loose Tooth/Pulled Tooth

This post is in two parts. First scene is set at last nights dinner, where we were feasting on lamb and enjoying Valdas company. (Mema stayed home for her first night alone since she's been back in AK). We were finishing up when Marina screamed and began to really cry. She had bit on something and "broke her tooth". Vince took her for a careful overview and found that her tooth was indeed very loose. Marina has been waiting for this event to occur with the intensity only a little girl can display. It was only a week ago that she cried because she thought the tooth fairy would never come.

This tooth had bothered her so much, it kept her awake at night. It brought her into our room in the night after a dream it came out in her bed and she lost it. She laid in my arms crying this morning that she was concerned for her tongue. Her tongue was not happy about this wiggly tooth and was going to miss the tooth. I think only my daughter could verbalize so much tooth angst.

Scene II:
I figured I had some time to blog about this latest event, since usually from dramatic wiggle to tooth fairy visit is a couple of weeks, but she got off the bus today with an enormous gap tooth smile. She had not eaten breakfast because of the tooth. Then at school she had not had snack because of the tooth. She asked to go to the nurses office and while there she asked the Principal Pete to pull the tooth, and he obliged.

What is it with my children and having their educators pull their teeth? First Falcom and Mayghen and now this! Will I never see my kid tying a string to a bathroom door? Now we wait for the tooth fairy to come. My baby is big....arg...

Other events of the day: Drove to town this morning with Valda (dropping her car to the shop) and had a fun breakfast with Valda and Mema. Then we went to ACS to deal with their phone situations and we all agreed that the ACS office is now in the same league as the DMV when Victoria was there 10 years ago or whatever it was. Unbelievable.

Falcom and I had a blast singing and taking pictures.

Suzanne and I rocked Weight Watchers, including how we got there a wee bit late and didn't realize it. I was going to the bathroom to change and broke into a version of 'Lets Get The Party Started' and realized everyone was listening to me...nice. Kudos to Suzanne for loosing another 3 pounds. I lost only .4 but that still sits me firmly at an overall 27 pound loss. She and I both rock for our stick-to-itiveness. I mean, dang, it's almost been a year and look at us!
Sunset the night of the wiggly tooth. November 15, 2008

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