Wednesday, November 26, 2008

We're All OK, But We Are Sad

M. Scott Moon/Peninsula Clarion via Associated Press
Thank you for all the calls of concern. We have so much to be thankful for. Being safely together is utmost in my mind.
For those of you who maybe did not hear on Fox News, a disgruntled former employee came into Central Peninsula Hospital today and started shooting. It was horrible. For Vince, it was a traumatic day. For me, I'm just glad he is OK.
Vince had called me to tell me that he was on his way home and DeeJay was beeping through. I knew something was going on because he hadn't called all week, and it was late.
I was right. Our friend Kim passed on today. "We came home from Disneyland and she was gone."
Kim is a woman who made an enormous impact not only on the lives of Velarie, Willie and DeeJay, but of every student that came into her sphere. Forever an advocate for the deaf. Forever an advocate for all children. Forever advocating for Micronesia. Forever in our hearts.

1 comment:

modest Musician said...

Wow, so glad to know he is safe. Prayers for those who were involved.

Love,Dee & gaggle