Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The School Year Begins!

What is the mystical component that enables these children to not be able to wake all summer, and then, on the first morning of school rise and shine at 5am only to be told to get back in bed for another hour? Is it excitement? Anxiety? A mixture of both?

Marina has had a wiggly tooth for several weeks now. The root snapped a bit while eating dinner over the weekend. Fortunately, school was starting because there is only one person qualified to pull teeth in our house and that person is Mr. Pete Swanson, school principal. How he has managed to become elevated beyond dentist in her mind is beyond me, but sure enough, the first chance she had she was in his office and the third tooth is gone! We are thinking that she may be the first person in McNeil Canyon School history to loose a tooth the very first day of school. Falcom was happy to see his classmates, his new teacher, his workload. With the mystery of the day revealed he was able to have a super fun day.

School actually started for Willie, DeeJay and I over a week ago when the High School began passing out school schedules. I have learned that taking a more assertive approach to scheduling is more effective than waiting until the first day to hammer out the details. Because of this their days went much more smoothly.Willie is happy about his new schedule. Although he does not have an elective, he is grateful that all of his teachers are kind and that he will be getting extra help. I am grateful that I am not a parent of one of these kids with only 5 out of six classes who have to leave campus for that hour each day that they are class-less.
The thing that stood out most in DeeJay's mind is how many freshman there are at school and how little they are. I was surprised when DeeJay insisted on taking the bus to school. I mean, he is a senior now and can drive. That doesn't mean I want him to, I just thought he'd plead for it. While dropping the kids off at McNeil this morning I realized what was going on and took this secret picture... More girls ride the bus than ride in the truck.

At dinner I took an informal poll. Results revealed that all kids were glad to be back in school and that they are all excited about what the year is going to bring.

1 comment:

jennarae said...

Hello Greear Family! I just wanted to let you know what a great pleasure it was to see part of the family this summer. Your blog on school was a reminder of how much older everyone has become. I still remember the night I spent at the house when Marina was born, baths for fal in that laundry basket, and the fun times in Sapain, with the scary moments of a close drowning. I hope to see all of you guys soon, I'll have to since you're my new Homer family!

P.S. Some hooligans left a movie at my house!