Sunday, March 8, 2009

Saturday - Ball in the House

Some days I get to have exactly what I want. Today was one of those days.

Today, I got to have my entire family together for the entire day and evening.

DeeJay and Willie each got haircuts and it is very unusual and lucky that for each haircut we were able to walk right in and sit right down.

Yes, Vince had to work, but Marina and the boys went to the hospital to visit him and walked in the sun down to Mema's Shack while Falcom finished his "Friendship Walk." (This is the walk he gets to take when he has been misbehaving in the car and I kick him out and make him walk a way so that he can think about what happened. Instead of a punishment this usually turns into a happy time for him because people he knows talk to him, he plays around a bit, gets to explore and be his usual distracted self. I like to pretend that I am driving away, but I hide my car and watch him while he meanders along. This is a picture of Falcom on his march. Notice how shiny the snow has become. It looks like the entire world has become an ice rink, but when you put any weight on the snow it crunches beneath our feet. Spring is officially six weeks away!)

Mema asked us all to come to dinner after going to see the Pink Panther movie. Beware. The Pink Panther is not nearly as good as Slumdog.

Dinner was great. Fun to be sitting with my entire family. After we finished eating we seven raced over to the high school to watch a wonderful Acapella group, Ball in the House. They are fabulous and are not like the groups of a long time ago where they play ancient songs. These guys are fresh, original, and have a member who does the beat box in the background! The little kids loved it, we adults loved it, Willie and DeeJay loved it!

After the show, the had a mini-workshop for people who wanted to sing. This did not start until 10pm and they answered questions first. Falcom was sitting behind me and was passing out, "Mom, I'm really falling asleep..." but finally they invited people onstage to sing My Girl with them and here is a snippet of Falcom learning harmony with Ball in the House.

What is amazing to me is that for being so late at night, after such an active day, Falcom was able to actually sing something being totally exhausted at 10.30 pm and not even knowing this song before this night. The men from Ball in the House had high praise for Falcom. It was worth staying up for, for sure!

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