Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Loosing a Friend

There are things that are really cool about the Internet.

And then there are things that that the Internet can not serve justice to...
Today Vince received an email that a friend of ours has died. The short email from his wife informed us of an ear ache that turned to meningitis and then he was gone...just like that.

It was not a blanket email. It was an email sent to Vince speaking of her love for her husband and requesting stories from our time with him for their 4 year old daughter. It was a very real letter.

But, there is nothing real about it. There was no penmanship to decipher. There were no teardrops on the page. There was no timeline, and because the Internet is so fast we assume on one level that this must have just happened! could have been weeks ago and this her first chance to sit at a computer to figure things out.

Oh Scott!

And so Vince spent his spare minutes at work reading and re-reading that email. He was trying to decide if it was a joke or if he was missing an important clue or a memorial date or something. He emailed her right back, but there was nothing... of course... because where do these typed out thoughts go to when there is no one there to open them? They just sit as binary code in the vapors...

Yes Sharon. It will be an honor for me to try to capture for you a picture of what our lives were like here in Homer Alaska 15 years ago when your vivacious, energetic and beguiling husband was a part of my life.

You see few people know that Scott is the reason that Vince and I met.
It will be the very least I can do for the man who, unwittingly, presented me with my soul mate.

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