Friday, August 22, 2008

Veggie Delivering and Bus Riding

This is my last week of delivering vegetable boxes with my wonderful daughter Marina. As of next week she will be a full time student. She picked these flowers from Terri's driveway (at Moose Run Metal) and put them on my dash. I'm going to miss her company.

Falcom rode the bus home from school for the very first time. He has made some friends and is having a 'mostly' good time. There are two very sweet girls in his class who are eating lunch with him and encouraging him to play with them. He likes his substitute Alice, and his regular teacher Melon came to lunch with them. He was so happy to see her. She is doing well and will spend only one month in Anchorage undergoing treatments and then will be back. Lenore says he is doing his work-from beginning to end-and doing it pretty well. Socially, he is doing...OK...trying to figure out where he fits. Question is; will I be able to bare watching while he learns these life lessons? It's gonna take a lot of prayer and Xanex I think.

See our friend Gracie getting off the bus with Falcom? Well, she asked him to chase a girl and kiss her yesterday. So he did. (How Forest Gump does he have to be?) Big thanks to Sharon (who I did not take one picture of) for all the wonderful laughs at coffee yesterday! If she hadn't been here waiting for his bus with me, that story would have really made me want to barf.

How do parents survive watching their children go through all this stuff? I might have to figure out how to orchestrate a contest revolving around this question. The winner would be the person who gives me the best, most humorous advice... The winner would receive a gift out of Irene's re-gifting closet. (Gosh, I havn't even informed Irene of this yet...hee hee hee) Keep posted for the announcement of the contest!

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