Monday, August 4, 2008

Bear Attack!!

It had been a Regular Monday: errands, DeeJay driving practice, coffee with Priscilla. I had thought about writing about how well DeeJay was driving. Or how nice it was being with Priscilla and Maya and Marina for coffee. The entire day had been refreshingly regular until it was time for Weight Watchers and I dropped the older boys at Mema's Shack. When we went around back to go into the house we discovered the happy bee hive (see 'Why Mema's House Has So Much Fairy Magic' from earlier this week) had been knocked over. My first instinct was to think it had been neighborhood dogs or boys. That is, until we discovered this:

Bear Attack!!

DeeJay and I sent Willie into the house immediately. He is allergic to bee stings and these bees were agitated. Then DeeJay covered himself as best as he could and then went to the job of putting that hive back together. He was really a hero about this job because I was quite fearful about getting stung. These bees were more upset than I had ever seen them and I seem to have a physical response to their aggressive presence. No the response is not rising pulse or panic attack, the physical response is to run away. Really, it is what they are psychically telling me to do. I like to please others, shouldn't I obey?

No Mema's scarf, gloves, and my jacket did not do the trick for DeeJay because he was stung twice by the very angry, agitated little creatures. They were really swarming around those hives and around him and the stings were due to the fact that the bees got stuck in the head scarf. One bit his forehead and one got stuck in the back of his neck in his hair.

It is interesting how universal the brain stem response to an angry bee sounds is. Loyal readers may remember when I had to release this batch of bees into this hive and how horrifying it was for me when one of the bees found it's way into my ear. I was lucky, it got out without my having to pull a Van Gough. Today, when the bee was stuck in the scarf wrapped around DeeJay's head it didn't matter that he knew intellectually that he could only get stung once and that it would only be like a shot, his reaction was completely human freaked out, but with control. "MOM!! GET THIS BEE AWAY FROM ME!! IT'S STUCK IN MY HAIR!! OW!!!!"

He is better now and the hive is back together and Vince is planning on bringing it back to our own house for fireweed season. He is going to wear his full bee gear and smoke them into passivity and look for the queen. If the queen died during the bear attack this season of honey production may have been for not. Also, now that that bear knows where that honey is he will probably come calling again, and we don't want bees and fairies to have to battle him over some honey now do we?

PS I went to Weight Watchers tonight and I am back to my usual weight loss of -.2 pounds again. Better than +.2 for sure. When Lynne took this picture I was at a loss as to how this could be happening and then I started looking back...and reflecting... brownies... pecan pie bars... sticky buns....

Am I ready to get serious about weight loss again? I think that if the kids can go back to school and get serious about their subjects again, then I can get back to mine...right? Two more weeks until school starts. I think I'm ready.

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