Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tutka Bay Lagoon

Two seals are so busy catching red salmon that they are not paying attention to me or my boat. It doesn't matter to them if the sun is out from behind the clouds or whether it is the second straight week of rain. They are so quick I can't catch them on film.

Maygen and I left the kids at Mema's today (their request) and took the skiff out to Tutka Lagoon for red salmon. I wanted to prove to myself (and Vince) that I am not a total knuckle head and that I can provide for the family too.

So far I have had a great sand which from Fritz Creek Store, I watched 4 eagles fight, I tangled the bail on two rods, I dropped Maygen off at shore so she could get to the fish, and I contemplated the seal lifestyle while I lay in the sun.

The only thing that can make this a better day is if Maygen is able to catch fish for both of us! So what if I still haven't proven that I am not a knuckle head.
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