Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Volcanic Ash!

Vince and I were having a quiet morning at home. We were sitting in front of the fire watching the sunlight move through the clouds at sunrise. We were both feeling thankful to have such a great place to watch sunrises. "Gosh" I said at one point, "It almost looks like a volcanic cloud." "Yea, isn't that interesting."

We continued watching, enjoying the views when the phone rang. It was Irene, "Redoubt just blew and the ash is coming our way! Good thing we have a basement full of teenagers to cover everything.

We were completely ready and yet somehow this ash missed our neighborhood completely! But in town, at Irene's, it is a huge mess. The dust is blowing everywhere and it's all volcanic ash and lodges in our throats and lungs.

It is making the snow melt very quickly though, so it looks like for us there will be an early spring!

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