Monday, April 13, 2009

He is Risen! (And I'm not just talking about Jesus)

This weekend did not only mark the rising of Jesus, it also marked the rising of Falcom's sad heart. Sometimes it is not possible to see an outcome that spirit has in store for us. This is where we must learn to summon our faith. (Faith used here not only in the Judeo-Christian form, but also in the New Age 'manifest the positive' way and the Atheist 'Optimistic outlook provides health benefits' way as well). This week has provided us another opportunity to investigate our faith, or positiveness; our optimism in the face of disappointment. (Pictures from Kilcher Homestead on a visit to their new Yak)

An outpouring of love and support for Falcom, Mystique and Chasey from the community has taken the place of adoration from a crowd. It is amazing to watch. As a parent, I feel that it is more nourishing than the applause of a crowd. It is like the difference between giving a child a fresh orange or giving them a piece of candy. We all want the candy, but it is the orange that is alive...

(Pictures from Kilcher Road Egg Hunt. Thank you Gage and Family!)

Falcom has learned a lot about disappointment this week and I think he is really growing with the support and love of the adults (and other kids) in his life who are giving him well wishes. Someone at church yesterday came to him and told him how disappointed they were for him and he said, "You are just saying that to make me feel better." and that person said, "Yea, but also for myself, 'cuz I really wanted to see what you had up your sleeve this year and I'm disappointed." Fal smiled. He is starting to get it.
Easter brought us a house FULL of fun guests and loads of Middle Eastern...Oh! Did I say Middle Eastern? I meant Midwestern foods. No couscous or hummus here. The Easter bunny hid eggs out in the snow (again) and magic eggs in the house that had prizes inside.
The sun was shining, the house was hot, the conversations were warm and everyone enjoyed themselves.

Irene asked Falcom to sing next weekend at Maya's baptism. He agreed. We are getting right back up on that horse. Suzanne was upset with my mother for telling her what was really in the scalloped potatoes. (No one wants to know the secret ingredients...not really. We like the mystery so that we don't have to feel guilty for enjoying things like, cream of mushroom soup and frozen hash brown potatoes). Mayghen played the piano for us and she played part of the Little Mermaid soundtrack and Falcom sang for me like he used to do when he was young and didn't know about pop music. Marina hid plastic eggs for Iris. Nicki chatted with Mema and Valda. It was a good day.

Oh...and we slipped Iris a licker full of whipped cream.
I want to finish this post by saying Thank You. Thank you to everyone who loves and supports this family. We know that we are blessed beyond belief to live in a community like this and to have friends and family like you. Thank you

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