I got April Fooled twice! Once by Jeff Middleton who told me that I had a flat tire. Who wouldn't believe that from a guy who drives heavy equipement for a living? He was about to get out his air compressor when Janet said, "Alana, don't you think it's interesting you would get a flat on April 1?" The second trick was by Valda who informed me that for Vince's birthday she had procured for him two goats, six geese, a couple new hens... I, seriously, thought I would puke! She really had me going...
Suzanne came over for dinner where we worked on my job descriptions...
Education Coordinator at Mansfield Avenue
Zoo and Social ClubDirectly oversees 5 staff members and 6 figure
budget. Duties include gathering and disseminating information, advocating for
the learning disabled, coordinating recreational activities, defending human
rights. Multimedia marketing specialist. Maintains office hours for therapy
clients and executes open door policy for crisis interventions. Provides
oversight and aide in execution of ideas to developing fashionistas. Facilitates
paradigm shifts to housewives once monthly.
Princess at Saipan ExPat Community
Education Management
1998 – 2000 (2 years)
Benevolently ruled over small
serfdom. In order to learn more about the common life of my people I was a 'mall
cop' and then became a first grade teacher to twenty five hyperactive 6 year
olds of 7 differing nationalities.
Petroleum Engineer at Various
Marketing and Advertising industry
1995 – September 1998 (2 years 11 months)
Involved in the distribution
and sales of refined petroleum products. Customer service was always paramount
during distribution of cylindrical meat products and hot beverages. Certified to
drive standard and commerical vehicles, hazardous materials, school children and
water vessels.
This is one of my favorite pictures from Valda's Africa collection. Yes, it's real. Yes, she was right there. Isn't it amazing!
Wednesday was the opening ceremony of the Kilcher Road Coffee Klatch. Spending time with the Kilcher road gals is Fantastic! Luckily I brought my instant Vietnamese coffee as Jeff had finished the coffee before I could get over there. There was kvetching and laughing and fingernail polishing. It was great.
Lunch with Karen S. turns into a two hour Magna car ta. Look at this food. Did any of you not from Alaska think that we could get such fine looking food in rural Alaska. Sure, our state lawmakers are a bunch of noodle heads, but our restaurateurs are fantastic!
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