Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Night In

I sat beneath these palm trees.

In the Movie, The Princess Bride, there is an ongoing joke in which a subdued hero on a mission to avenge his fathers death continues to say, "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

Today, while snorkeling in Obyan, I was followed around by a small parrot fish. It was probably the length of my hand from finger tip to wrist. Its round greenish head and pink stripes were brilliant as they crossed over the green which blended into yellow. This little fish kept coming up to me and looking at me. It would quickly swim away as soon as I would reach for it.
After the third time that it approached I began to imagine that I could hear it's thoughts; "Hello. My name is Manuel Anthony Camacho Villagomez Cabrerra. You ate my father. Prepare to die."

Oh! How I love the sea! This morning I drove around the south side of the island. I found Lucy and Manuels old house from four years ago in Kobler. I looked at the cement, never been finished Korean hotel. I made my way to Obyan beach. I promised Claud that I would not go there alone, but I needed the sea.

When I got there the security guard was happy to have my car right next to him. Then on the beach was a happy looking middle aged Japanese couple. They may have been enjoying a quiet time together on this desolate beach, but, I chose to sit right by them so that I could tell my beloved Claud I was not alone.

It was a fantastic snorkel. Kathy had told me that her office had done a lot to rebuild that reef, and that the coral was coming back. She was right! It was wonderful to see the coral and the fish and to float in the swell that was coming up over the reef.

After my ocean time, I came home with Karen where we had a nice chat over a cold drink and some truffles. Heaven!
Then we took the kids to my favorite new restaurant; Himiwari. A Japanese Restaurant Deli. It is what I wish New Sagaya could be. Very real. Reasonably priced. Absolutely fantastic. Can you believe they would not sell me a T-shirt? They said "Solly...Staff Onry." I said, "Well then, can I have a job?"

They pretended they didn't understand me.

Let me show you pictures of what you can get for $5.00.

Noodle Soup, One Bowl

Spicy Tuna Rolls

Quintin and Colin took pictures for me.

It was fun to hang out with these guys.

Then afterwords, I got in the car and drove over to Claud's house for a quick chat. We had a couple good chuckles while Leo fell asleep on the couch. This is a shrine her partner Paul made. It is really cool.
Vince, look what else I found hanging on her wall after all these years: Do you recognize it?

Just don't threaten Parrot Fish


Anonymous said...

that looks way better than my lunch: mac and cheese, chicken dinosaurs. How come you don't send comments to my blog? I'm the one home with sick kids while you are galavanting all over the South Pacific!

The Wes Gordon Family said...

Wonderful post, I can just hear that parrot fish accusing you of eating his father!

And as for that food!! TO DIE FOR, send some my way, mid westerners DO NOT know GOOD food! ;) unless it is deep fried and covered with sugar.