Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Birthing Gift to Me

This week I did something VERY splurge-ie and bought plumaria and orchid heads. I bought them in bulk saying it was for Marina's birthday party.

To be honest, I bought them for me. They have the smoothest texture. They are more fragrant than any essential oil. I bought enough that the kids can wear them and play with them and not stress me out.

Sure, the shipping cost more than the flowers... but it is so worth it! Each sniff is like being on vacation...each sniff brings me that much closer to the sun. Right now Marina is re-distributing the flowers into other, smaller dishes. This is the fourth time this evening she has done this. I hope they remain strong until her birthday party, but if not, I will enjoy them just as they are.


The Wes Gordon Family said...

Everyone needs a little ray of "tropics" in the midst of the bleary winter blahs!

Good For You!

Anonymous said...

When you said birthing gift I thought you meant a push present