Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another Side Effect of Global Warming - I'm Tan

In an unusual celestial move, we have had non stop sun all summer. It has been HOT (for us) and Irene and I have been spending many of our days lounging about, enjoying the kids and tall glasses of whatever we pour. Day before yesterday we went down to our neighbors lake (pond sized really) and she drank margaritas and I had raspberry spritzers and we chatted and gossiped in that summertime way that I love.

(When a bottle of cocktail mix says, "Avoid exposure to sunlight" believe it!)

Even the Paag brothers came down to join us. They took to canoe-ing like a couple of Micronesian warriors. We laughed imagining them out paddling with their boat full of coconuts and breadfruit. Like most teens, I think they much prefer the idea of red meat and Pepsi.

We have not been doing as much fishing as we would like because this weekend the bay was a velvet fog. It is interesting how the bay can be a cold and dreary place, but since our house is at a higher elevation, we stay in the sun.Vince and the big boys did get out yesterday and brought in a successful catch. While sitting lakeside with Irene, I explained to her that this was the feeling in Saipan that I love. It is a, "no obligations sunshine sweetness", Saipan way:

Vince and I, walking on the beach, with our kids, watching the windsurfers, laughing... The only difference is that there is grey instead of white sand beach.

1 comment:

The Wes Gordon Family said...

Alana, you look so happy & thin, a recent tan makes the SAD feel so long ago eh?

Looking good!