Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween, 2010

Marina woke me up this morning saying, "Mom!  It's Halloween!  What is our tradition?"  Being half awake it was hard to get the gist of what she was trying to get at.  "What traditional food do we start the day by eating." 

"No traditional Halloween breakfast."  I mumbled and I laid there trying to piece together this blog post.
Homer Alaska is not the home of tropical Halloweens.  The end of October is always a horrible time to have children parading outside with their light rayon fabric suits.   We recall the holidays in terms of, "That was the year it was blizzarding."  or "Last year was the year it was so brutally cold, wasn't it like zero?  but there was no wind!"

This year will be remembered as the year with wind.  At one point it was blowing so hard, my curly hair was standing on end and I swear I felt I was dressed as Medusa.  

The day started with the family going to church.  This year, because it was Halloween, the nurturing committee had a pirate theme Halloween party at church and imagine this, a potluck.  It was very nice and the kids really seemed to enjoy it.

It reminded me of a midnight mass.  It was a good way for the kids to pass the time between waking up and being able to knock back some serious candy.

Ready for the Candy Round Up

We all went to Mema's for our traditional Halloween dinner and party.  This party happens at Mema's because she lives in town.  In Homer Alaska there is no trick or treating except in town so all kids travel to town for the event.  On the menu, pumpkin soup served from a baked pumpkin.

The kids watched movies and waited for the time to pass until they could get out and Trick or Treat. 

The wind was blowing at least 30 last night and it was cold but did that stop my vampire or ninja from saving the world from it's extra candy.

Falcom "Dead"

 We Trick or Treated Homer style:  in the van driving house to house letting the kids out to trick or treat and then pick them up to warm up and go to the next house.  The kids went to bed with serious chocolate hangovers. 

Ah, tradition!

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