Friday, November 5, 2010

Regular Tuesday with Irene

"What has happened to Regular Tuesday with Irene?"

This is a mantra which has been swirling around this blog for almost a year now.  "Did you fight?"  "Is the love gone?"  "Is it because you have been working?"  "It's because of hockey isn't it?"

I must tell you now that it has nothing to do with any of that.  Yes, Irene is at hockey or dealing with hockey quite often.  Yes, I've been working.  Mostly though we found ourselves incredibly busy and doing all kinds of things in our super active families, communities, and selves. 

Luckily, this winter we have made a vow to get back on track.  We met early Wednesday morning at Two Sisters and reviewed the following events:

  • Halloween.  Really?  Is this something that we need to continue encouraging through our active participation?  The truth is that yes.  We still must participate in this ritual for the sake of our children.  They have not proven to be able to maintain a safe distance from moving vehicles and their refusal to wear winter appropriate clothing require us to have a heated car at the ready for them to jump into.  Next year we will simplify by bringing a Thermos of hot cocoa and we will sit in her van as the kids shiver from door to door.  We will sit happily inside the van chit chatting and doing what we do best...
  • Hockey.  Irene's description of being the hockey manager, the children's time commitment, the money...   It all made me feel like I was doing nothing for my Brownie Troop, at time, no money...  It made me feel like all that I am doing for Falcom's recital this month...  nothing.  Comparatively speaking, this is level of activity is a piece of cake!
  • Brownies.  I told Irene about our trip to Islands and Oceans and how the scientists there told Marina she was a natural scientist.  They told her that she should bring in the bird nest she found so that they could help her identify the species that built it.  We took in her nest and learned that an Orange Crowned Warbler built it.  Fascinating.
It was at this point that we were greeted by one of my East End neighbor men.  We had some election chat.  "Sarah Palin, invasion of privacy during a reality television show?  Really Sarah?"  "At least it wasn't Miller!  Did you hear how he let his wife draw unemployment benefits?"  and then I asked this fellow how his wife was doing.

"Oh she is a little sick of the camera crews following  us around."  Then he must have realized that he said something that he was not supposed to be saying and pinched the conversation to a close.  Yep!  It looks like ANOTHER Alaska based reality show is in the works.

Back to Irene

  • Marriage.  Need I say more?
  • Falcom's recital.  This is going to be a VERY Grandma friendly show with many age appropriate song selections.  I am able to be hands off for this show, but I will be making food and getting a guest book.  Hopefully Marina will be healed enough after her surgery that this will be easy.  Sunday, November 21, HCOA  5.30pm
  • DeeJay.  Sarah.  Both seem to be doing much better or well or yea... 
And then we had to pick up and go.  We both laughed at the memory of our former Regular Tuesdays and how they used to be these leisurely afternoons of coffee drinking and blogging and chatting.  I'm looking forward to reinstating a new tradition!

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