Monday, November 22, 2010

Recital Success

It is funny to think about what it must be like to stand up in front of a very crowded room and sing:  to know that everyone is in the room to watch and listen to you. 

When I think about the fact that there is a person in my family who can stand up in front of a crowded room and sing I have to shake my head.  It's not amazement really because i live with this guy and hear him sing from the time he steps out of bed to the time he lays himself back down.  The feeling I have is more of an amazement that this is a hardwired state of mind for him and that he may be a little nervous getting up there but that he can get past that, hit the notes and smile. 

In the morning, Vince and Willie took Falcom to a dress rehearsal and set up.  I stayed home and rolled smoked salmon sushi.  Maygen came over with all of her pottery platters and we loaded them up.  This cooking and presenting of food was a much needed distraction from the anxiety that I was feeling just a little bit of. 

Interestingly, not one picture was taken of this wonderful food preparation...  

Before we left I had an idea to take a family photo.  It is such a rare day when every one's hair is combed and no one looks like a gangster.  Could I get full cooperation?  Of course not... not with an 11 year old in the house.

With the food spread out perfectly and the instruments laid out around the stage, the show was ready to start.  At 5.15 people started arriving and soon the place was standing room only.  Fal started with Caro Mio Bien.  It was perfect.  He sang his Broadway numbers acapella and I was surprised that they sounded as good as they did.  I mean, when he sings Defying Gravity with Victoria it is out of this world.  It is out of this world, but it is six minutes long!  Too much for this setting.

When little glitches came up, Falcom buckled down and kept singing right through them.  He seriously did great.

Was this the same 11 year old who would not take a serious picture for me earlier in the day?

After the show people had some food and we were showered with well wishes.  People were thrilled to see him in his element.  They loved that he was being given the opportunity to do what he does best.  A couple people were disappointed that he was not able to open his mouth and let it rip Motown style as we've heard him do before, but when I explained that we were trying to train him to be more nuanced with his vocals they understood.  Anyone can be loud and brawly.  I overheard a vocalist reassuring an audience member that his voice will only improve once it changes.  That was nice to hear.

Falcom was pretty high after the show.  He was definitly embracing his future in the spotlight.  He said to Marina, "Marina, you can be my financial wiz!"  Marina responded, "Falcom, I am going to have a LIFE!"  It was very funny to me and also punctuated what I think is so brilliant about our current situation.  We are surrounded by a supportive and loving community.  We also have a homelife that is well anchored and does not allow anyone to over inflate!

If you missed the performance, Falcom will next be performing for the Salvation Army bucket in front of Safeway, and then on to Long Term Care where he will sing for the residents.  In January he has been asked to sing the National Anthem at a High School Hockey game.  Should be a fun couple of months!

Suzanne keeps asking why I am not more amped up about Thanksgiving.... Maybe later, but right now I'm exhausted!

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