Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Regular Tuesday with Irene

Went to a funny dinner last night with Terri R. and Suzanne last night after the WW. The three of us have been going to WW meetings for the past year and we spent some time discussing our fates in the program. I was disappointed to find that WW is going to make me stick with that firm goal number the AMA set out how many years ago. A weight I havn't weighed since college! I said to the girls that after 40 years old it is not good for a woman to be that thin and that unless I am going to be traveling to Thailand for some plastic surgery, I do not want to be that thin!

This morning I found this lead article on Yahoo:

"It's a question surely as old as vanity itself: how can you look young forever? A forthcoming study in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery offers one surprising idea: as you age, don't be afraid to put on a few pounds. Fat, it turns out, can significantly smooth out wrinkles and give you a younger-looking face. (Read "Beth Teitell: On Not Looking Old".)"

Uh hu!
Valda came over this afternoon with concerns that I had pooped out on blogging. Fear not Valda! I just havn't had a lot of free time on my hands since I've been home.

Today found me at Irene's for a cup of coffee. Imagine that!

Topics Discussed:

How, while I was in Saipan, friends of ours would ask what Vince does for fun. Vince would call me and Karen would ask what he and the kids were up too. I would always answer, "gathering and chopping wood." It's an Alaskan thing to do I guess.

Winter Carnival Parade and subsequent jaunt into the hell that is the Paul Banks Fundraising Carnival. Matt got to go work the hockey booth. Where was I? We were in Ninilchik so that Vince and the boys could split and stack wood for Paul and Cindi. Am I sad that we missed the parade and carnival? Hum...

Falcom and Marina are skiing after school on Monday's, skating after school on Wednesday's, and going to movement at Jeanne's Yurt on Fridays.

Maya is light as a feather! We are thinking that even though my kids also weighed 20 pounds at different times they still felt heavier than she feels now.

Irene is being incredibly organized! Whatever she is taking I wish I had some.

How our well is like a dragon that sleeps under the earth. She is a peaceful dragon, happy in her sheltered life. That is until, for whatever reason, Vince decides to aggravate her by messing around with her! This is a picture of our fancy new well filters.

Chris's new attitude star chart. Stars = Fun. Seems to be working.

Fal has Fifths Disease. For the first time in his life he has been very itchy and not because of allergies.
Irene always has the best Mayo! Thanks Irene!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Oh, WW sister.....first of all, welcome home!! I'm so sorry I'm not at the Mon. night meetings, to see you & your entourage. I heard you had a lovely dinner with our cheffie friend last night. =)
Sure enjoyed your trip blog story & photos. Hopefully, you'll adjust quickly back to the homefront responsibilities and joys.