Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Regular Tuesday

Summer before last, our cousin in Ohio asked "What happened to your Regular Tuesdays with Irene?  Did you two have a falling out?". Irene and I had a great habit going on there for a while, coffee while the kids are in school. It was an ultimate klatch!

There was no falling out. She got busy. I got busy. I got really busy and now, she's moved!  She will never be the queen klatcher in Flagstaff the way she was here. That is obvious. But what about me?  What will I do to ratchet up my klatching?

School is cranking way up for me. I guess they do want me to do things to earn that 14 units they promised to give me. Because the classes are distance based there is little reason to come to town. It has been interesting to live under my self imposed austerity measures. It has been interesting to be really, really, really busy!

For entertainment this week I took Chester on a 4 wheeler ride in the autumn sun to the Kilcher Homestead where I klatched with Charlotte about her wonderful agricultural high tunnel and ducks!  It is hard to believe what some metal hoops and some advanced visquen can do to the farming output of our area.  Every now and then I get a flash of desire for my own high tunnel.  Then, I get past it.  Marina and I are now referring to our ducks as 'the people of the mud'.   Why are Charlotte's ducks not filthy the way mine are?  Hum...

It was a great visit for both Chester and I and it was great to be with such a wonderful long time friend again! Next week I will pick up Janet from her house and put her on the back of my wheeler for more Kilcher Road Klatching!

Miss you Irene!

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