Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Veggie Day!

On Wednesdays, Marina and I drop Falcom at school and then move boxes of fresh organic produce from a location on Waterman Rd. to KBBI public radio and to Two Sisters Bakery.
After the delivery I usually pay Marina for her work with a cookie or a sticky bun, but today Mema asked us to take her to the best burger joint in all of Homer, The Boatyard Cafe.

No, there is no amount of points for this burger in the weight watchers plan. It's not for the cholesterol challenged. Instead of getting the Boatyard Burger, I chose the veggie sandwich, which I tried to imagine was only 10 points. Irene decided to have a small garden salad and it made me think that that book is rubbing off on her. You know, the one with the B word.

Sunset from my house

Got a very funny link to a YouTube posting of Sarah Silverman and then another from Jimmy Kimmel. Very Adultly Funny. Thanks Mel!

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