Saturday, October 27, 2012

McNeil School Fall Carnival (otherwise known as the Halloween Show!)

 The evening sunlight is stretching dramatically over the bay now.  The leaves have all vanished from the trees.  The wind is making those same trees creak devilishly. It is the perfect time of year for everyone in the Greear house to pretend to be someone else...if only for a few days.  This can only mean one thing is coming! 
This year Falcom is being possessed by his alter ego:  Sexy Chucky.  The actual 'Chucky' from the Chucky horror movie franchise was not cute enough for his tastes.

As you can see from this picture, the full 'Sexy Chucky' effect is missing the orange stockings.  Orange stockings do not stretch over the thighs of sexy islanders!

Marina is embodying her alter-ego, Hermione Granger.  She made everyone in the family a wand last night out of alder wood.  She is smart, brave, and heroic! 
They have just arrived home with their loot.  Isn't it interesting?   A couple of years ago all she wanted to do at the carnival was work in the fishing booth.  Now, she plays with friends and is not afraid of the haunted house.  Falcom is not afraid of the haunted house either.  He spent his time working in the haunted house as a 'sexy dead dancer'. 

Oh!  How my children have grown.  Oh!  How I love them...

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