This is Winchester. He has stayed with us often over the past couple years. He would come over whenever his owner had to leave town. Well, this year his owner is going to be gone most of the winter and instead of Winchester bouncing back and forth between households, Steve decided he would be better off staying here with us. I am still unconvinced that Steve won't change his mind come spring, but until then, I've got a very mellow dog to hang out with! He is like the albino version of Woody. I find myself asking him, "Is it too much energy to sit up instead of laying down?" and "Really, you don't need to follow me upstairs, I'm coming right back." To which he lays right down.
When we returned from our Arctic Adventures, Daisy the Duck began hatching these ducklings. Six little baby ducks. How cute is that? Very, very cute!
The mom is the most freaky little duck. It might be from her fight for life in the Ulmer's parking lot or the torchure that she endures from the monsterous drake Peking duck. Whatever makes her such a little freaker, she is putting it to use with her babies. She has taught them to run and hide. She yells at us every time we enter the pen and when Falcom and Marina turn their backs she nips at them. Fortunately, she doesn't have sharp front teeth.
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