My kids once again blew my mind with their willingness to go along with this program and were considerate wonderful travelers!
Thursday June 10, 2010
Grandpa (in the background of this shot) picked us up at the airport and brought us downtown to Shoulman's for a Corned Beef sandwich. Can you see the happiness on Vince's face? The sandwiches are so big and so wonderful we could only eat half of them. The other half we took home for dinner.
After going to lunch, Tom took us by Vince's grandma's old house. This house is in a part of town that is in the ghetto now. I call it the ghetto because I don't know another word to describe a blighted drug overrun inner city neighborhood. We didn't see poor people on the streets or gang members or any of the stereotypes that a person would think of, just boarded up houses and run down rentals.
We did meet Vince's childhood neighbor on the street who recognized Vince and was so fun to talk with. His family is the only one still on the block. He says renters don't stay more than a month or two so he knows no one around him. He says it's safe on his block because no one is there! But he also says it is not a place for children. He has the sweetest pit bull I have ever seen. I guess it keeps people out of the yard. It sure loved the kids.
Ah! Cleveland.
We then went to Phyllis's house, where the kids were free to play in the yard and get over their jet lag. I went shopping for shorts for Marina. It is amazing how difficult it is to buy little girl shorts that do not make the girls look like trash-tastic hoochie mamas. She is 7 for God's sake! She does not need to be flashing butt cheeks at this ripe early age! I decided I would just let her wear the only shorts she had in Alaska that fit.
Friday June 11, 2010
Went to Old Navy and found Marina some shorts that fit.
We saw all kinds of life that does not exist in Alaska and even found a baby turtle that became our pet for a day. The kids learned about fireflies and spent the evening catching and releasing them. It was a joy!
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