Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Ice Castles in Razdolna

Another day of combat sub-teaching! What do I mean by that? This class is a rough crowd. Not a touchy feely group. The last time I was here I had the sad experience of watching a young sub get completely rode over by this crowd. They worked her over hard and by lunch she was a study in the stereotypical burnt out sub: hair frazzled, pulse raised, veins visibly throbbing.

I began Monday by letting every kid in class know that I would not be disrespected. I then followed it up by being authoritarian and following through with many threats of detention. The entire day was full of "Ms. J would never!" and "we can't wait for you to leave!". My personal favorite was when they were going a group brainstorming session 'what makes you happy? What do you wish for?' And it was all, "for the substitute to go away!" "For ms.J to come back!" "No more school on days Ms.J is not here."

Five detentions, a notebook flung in fury, and my fill of snarls later, the school day was over but I would not let them leave until the mess was picked up. "But my dad will beat me if I'm even 5 minutes late!" "Well, I guess you two are going to have to work that out."


Today everyone was on time. They were much better behaved. They did the work I gave them without a hassle. They even seemed to enjoy me briefly! I couldn't believe it!

We will see if they ever call me back. But for now I take great joy in knowing that I faced a challenge and succeeded! Until next time beautiful children!
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1 comment:

Mariposa Gal said...

Just like Laura Ingalls Wilder taking control of her tough class of homesteader kids! You go, Ms. Greear!