Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Things I Do

Everyone runs to school in the dark in Razdolna
On days like today, I should be studying.  I have so much to do.  I have no intellectual freedom to pursue creative endeavors.  It is not like the school work is extraordinarily difficult.  There is just so much of it.
Vince was tired of people stealing his socks so he went with Pink Camo
Every Wednesday I am taking up precious free space in this classroom.

Are you amazed by my professionalism?
Oh, and there is Girl Scouts... We spent the weekend in Kenai at the Hay Maze, Nikiski Pool, and Challenger Learning Center.

This is me in the kitchen of the Challenger Learning Center...Looking good at 8pm.  This is right before I went and passed out and everyone got a good laugh out of my snoring!
Marina is involved in a robotics tournament that is taking up quite a bit of time.
Time is precious.  Children are precious and they are growing up all too quickly. I had better get on with the getting on. There are only about three weeks left until we head out to Sri Lanka and I still have a lot to get done!

Did I just compose a poorly crafted un-rhyming poem?  See, my creative energy is trying to escape at all costs! Even in cheesy closing sentences.

1 comment:

Nan said...

Sri Lanka ? I'll have to talk to Mary about this it's news to me. I'll see her tomorrow at her house with Book Club!!