Sunday, March 27, 2011

Troubling Times

Falcom and Vince preparing for his show last November
This month I have been forced to unleash the more dominate force of my personality to try to take care of an extremely bad bullying problem that Falcom has been facing at school.

I just happened to be at school kissing Marina when I witnessed Falcom fleeing the lunchroom to sob in the bathroom.

Let's just say that my response was less than demure; but, as my friend Charlotte told me once, "you are not a loose cannon. You are a very powerful, well aimed firearm."

No, the troopers were not called. I wish they had been so that I could have made the paper. I would really like for every person in our school district to be aware that homophobic bullying is sexual harassment and that to participate in calling someone names like "fag" or "faggot" will result in a three day suspension. You see, the school district can not tell the kids this policy because it may be construed as "sex education" or "promoting a deviant lifestyle" or whatever. And honestly, who reads the student handbook at the beginning of each school year so that the kids will know?

The truth is that statistics show that because of bullying, 1 out of 3 gay or questioning youth attempt suicide and of that 30 percent 80 percent of those try more than once. I won't begin to try to tell you about long term depression statistics, high risk behavior, or drug and alcohol abuse statistics for this population. I think you can imagine.

This is not just about gender nonconforming children.  There was a school shooting somewhere just this week!  Studies show that children are not turning sympathy into the ability to feel empathy as they mature.  Is it because of video games, Internet, or lack of health curriculum?  I am not sure.  I do know that the only way to raise brave children who will stand up to bullys is by teaching them how to feel empathy and how to be courageous. 

Is there a bullying situation that is happening at your child's school or in your child's life?  Please, don't just stand by and watch;  reach out and get help. The statistics are too alarming to ignore.

Things seem to be improving now for Falcom. This does not mean that I am able to relax and retract back into my happy hippy girl state.'m still locked and loaded.

1 comment:

The Wes Gordon Family said...

UHG! That is Horrible! I too have been not only the victim of bullying, but the Charging-Moose Momma in another child's defense, (does it matter if that child is mine or not? I think not)

I am NOT ok with bullies.

You fight them tiger, I got your back!