Monday, May 9, 2011

Dear Marina;

The year old sandhill crane is back in our yard this morning.  It gotten itself lost from it's parents again and is standing by the trampoline screaming to holy hell.  I keep walking over there to check on it.  It is making such a racket!  As I looked at it's sharp beak, wide open, hollering, it made me think of you.

It made me think of you because it is all of the things you are not.

This month has been incredibly busy for our family.   I know.  My school.  Dad's birthday.  My birthday.  Easter. Falcom being Falcom. Falcom's music.  Willie being Willie.  It may not seem like we have had much time for you. 

I guess that is what that crane made me realize.  Although we get busy with things other than you, you never just stand still and scream trying to get our attention.  Instead, you dig deep into your own interests.  You spend time with adult friends.  You make your own plans.  You help me. 

Those crane parents are busy too.  They are making a nest and getting ready to raise their next brood.  What do they get from their kid?  A screaming whining kid that they have to fly around for until they find.  You know, a lot of human children can be this way.  It is remarkable to me that you are not. 

I need you to know that although we might seem preoccupied with everything else in our lives, you are just as important to us as everything else going on.  We notice your thoughtfulness.  Your humor.  Your ingenuity.

We are very aware that there is nothing about you that is not absolutely remarkable. 

I love that you made your pushki boat.  I love that even though the pond is still completely frozen you did not let that get you down or cause you to not try to float your creation.  I love it that you decided to not call Rio (the pushki boat master) for building tips until you are completely sure your boat will not float (once the ice on the pond melts). 

You are an exceptional young woman.  Thank you for being patient with all of us.  We are very proud of you and love you very much. 

Mom and Dad

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