Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tonsils and Adenoids

I have not had the urge to write.  This is an unusual feeling for me.  Yes, there have been adventures and events but how do I document life events that I am not at all excited about?

I'm excited about one thing:  The shoes I'm painting.  I got these at a garage sale for a really cheap price (thank you Lenore!) and now I am spending parts of each day in meditation on my favorite fragrant island flower. 
waiting room fun with Marina

We drove to Soldotna and had our third visit with Dr. Z.  One of Marina's tonsils were touching her uvula.  He was sure her adenoids were also giant.  He recommended surgery.  "But how can you be so positive?"  I asked.  In my mind I did not sound like a doubting earth munching mom who knows that tonsils are the key to overall lifelong wellness. 

"Well, I could do the scope and show you that they are huge." 

"OK"  I responded.  He seemed almost stunned that I wasn't just taking his word because I am Vince's wife and Vince is logical man of medicine not an earth muncher. He then seemed stunned with himself that he offered  the scope without checking the schedule. 

It was at this point I realized I must have sound like an earth munching momma because I found myself being very clear, "It's not the tonsils I have issue with, it's the idea of surgery on my baby and anesthesia.  I am not going to go into it lightly."

He then told me all the reasons that having her tonsils removed was a very good idea including the deformation of Marina's face due to mouth breathing which will make her unbearably ugly within a short period of time.  (This is what I heard.  I am sure that it is not entirely what he said,)

huge adenoid
Before I knew it, Marina was enduring a bad spray up the nose and then was having a tube placed up her nose and down to where we found two enormous adenoids.  "When can I book it."

Vince asked, "Is it infection."  No.  "Is it allergies?"  No.  They are just enormous.  November 17 is our surgery date.  Marina wishes we could do it sooner because it is weighing on her mind and she's having too much time to think about it.  I told her that this was the only way her daddy could take care of her and so she embraced waiting.  I don't know if it was a fib or not but, it worked.

As I laid there listening to her 'baby sleep apnea' this morning I too wished we could move up the date, but as Dr. Z said, "She's probably been doing this a while.  What's another month?"  Um, hello!  Total facial deformation....

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