Marina had a super fun time with her dad. Not only did they swim in the hotel pool, they went to Benihana and they went to Chucky Cheese.
Falcom did a great job with the anthem. He started an hour late and I was afraid he would be psyched out, but...he nailed it again.
The next night we were up late and up early for our trip to Soldtona to the Robotics tournament. What a huge undertaking this team participated in. They built a robot and programmed it. They developed a solution to a food storage problem they saw. The presented it to the judges. The most remarkable part of this is that their team was by far the most diverse of all the teams. Between having boys and girls, Old Believers, learning disabilities, the fact that this team was able to do as well as they did, blows my mind! I am excited to participate in this again. Maybe not with Falcom, but with Marina for sure.
Also, Falcom found out that he is on YouTube with his TedXHomer performance. Watch it by clicking the link below!
Lastly, In the world of Greear Family Performing Artists, both Marina and Falcom have meaty roles in the school Christmas Musical. Marina tried out for Santa and Falcom tried out for Child. Marina got the role of Child and Falcom got the role of Santa. He will have a solo song. They were both a little annoyed that their roles got switched, but are glad they got roles!
OK, I've got to get back to work!